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Thursday 5 September 2013

On our way!!

We had always promised ourselves another holiday in Scotland after a wonderful time travelling to Orkney and then the Kyles of Lochalsh a few years ago, so we had arranged a B & B in Bunessan, Mull, staying from the 12th to 17th August.  The ferry was all organised having done all of that on-line, and we were all packed and prepared to leave on the morning of Monday 12th August.

There was just one fly in the ointment though - a filling had come out of one of my teeth on the Friday night so it was panic stations to try and get to the dentist on Monday prior to us leaving for our trip!!  I was standing on the doorstep of the dentist at 8 a.m. and, luckily, he fitted me in for a temporary repair which would let me now enjoy my holiday without worrying about having to find a dentist on Mull.

We left home around 9 a.m. and we were finally on our way!  The weather on the way up to Oban wasn't too bad really, but we did hit a shower of rain just as we reached there.  We also popped into a petrol station for fuel prior to getting into the queue for the ferry over to Mull.  After driving into the queue for the ferry we were able to leave the car there and go for a coffee and cake before driving onto the ferry for the crossing over to Mull. After leaving the car down below deck, we went up to the restaurant for coffee and a sandwich, which was very tasty!

Driving onto the ferry
The crossing over to Mull was uneventful and fairly calm, which was good!!  I took one or two photos from the deck as we approached Mull

Lismore Lighthouse in the sun

Duart Castle
Just after I took these photos, we were summoned back to the car to get ready to disembark - let the raod trip of Mull begin!!

Waiting in the car to disembark

Driving off into Mull - turning left to Bunessan
And this is when an entirely different way of driving begins - single track roads with passing places and all sorts of hazards - mainly in the shape of sheep and cows that wander around the island!!  We followed the road down to Bunessan where we stopped briefly before heading onwards to the B & B. A wee photo before setting off on our way!

A boat in the bay
Once we were settled into our marvellous B & B we went to Fionnphort which is about a ten minute drive away to go for dinner to the Keel Row.  We had fish and chips that night which were very tasty.  However, on our way there, we came across one of the many Mull traffic calming measures!!

This is our road and we will walk on it!!
 And they knew exactly where they were going as they turned up a nearby side road!!

We know where we're going!
After we had our dinner we came out of the restaurant and were met by the most wonderful sunset

View over to Iona
The little gaps in the cloud make this one look like a face!
On the way back we stopped off at the local pub for a very quick drink then headed back up the winding road to the B & B to settle in for a night's rest but, before we did, there were just the last rays of the sun to catch before heading off.

Bunessan Bay - tide now in
And there was also a sighting of either a buzzard or an eagle just as we left - it's just a silhouette, but great to see against the twilight blue colour of the sky

We were hopeful that the weather would hold out for a trip to both Staffa and Iona in the morning.  I think I slept with my fingers crossed all night!!

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